Big competition with Emile Noël

With our Emile Noël brand, we’ve decided to launch a major competition called Le sésame d’or.

You can win more than 80 prizes with a total value of over 2,000€.

So how do you get involved?

Well, it’s easy: just buy a bottle of 1L Sesame oil with the “Golden Sesame” label, available in specialized organic stores.

When you open the bottle for the first time, look inside the cork: if it says “WON” with a 3-digit code, you’ve won! Simply visit to redeem your voucher.

On the other hand, if there’s nothing written in your cork, it’s lost…

The lots are as follows:
– 5 vouchers worth €80 on the website

– 75 vouchers worth €25 on the website

For more details on the rules, click here: Sesame d’or contest rules .

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