Supporting the shea butter industry: our commitment in West Africa

At Groupe Emile, our commitment to fair trade goes beyond words. We are proud to support the shea industry in West Africa, and to work in partnership with women collectors in Burkina Faso. Find out how our commitment to fair trade is taking shape in the shea industry and what it means for local communities.

The Magic of Shea

A natural treasure: Shea is a precious source of skin and hair care benefits, and remains mainly in the hands of Burkinabé women. We believe in the importance of guaranteeing the sustainable use of this resource and supporting an economic model that enables women producers to generate a decent income.

A Transformative Impact

Empowering collectors: Our partnership has a transformative impact. It involves almost 21,205 women collectors in Burkina Faso, and is based on three essential pillars: the economic aspect, which secures the shea market; the socio-community and cultural aspect, which generates numerous activities for the communities; and the environmental aspect, which promotes the sustainability of the shea industry.

Fair Trade at the Heart of Our Vision

Beyond the company: Our commitment to fair trade permeates all our brands, from organic food to natural cosmetics and B2B solutions. We believe in the responsible use of natural resources and in an economic model that enables women shea producers to make a decent living from their work.

Explore More

Find out more:

If you’d like to explore our commitment to the shea industry in depth, we invite you to read the full article on our Emile Noël website.

You can also discover how our commitment is reflected in our range of shea cosmetics by exploring our shea products:

At Groupe Emile, we believe in the power of fair trade to transform lives and communities. Our support for the shea industry in West Africa is proof of our commitment to the sustainable use of natural resources and an equitable economic model. Find out more about our partnership with BIOPARTENAIRE® and our vision of commitment to the shea industry by reading the article on the Biopartenaire website.

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Virgin borage oil can be used internally (on its own or blended with other oils) for
(e.g. seasoning) or externally (massage, friction).

Its richness lies in gamma-linolenic acid (~20%), which is said to be essential because it is rarely found in nature and is not synthesized by the body.

Additional internal and external intake is therefore highly recommended; this fatty acid
essential for maintaining the structure of the cell membrane. As a result, it helps to maintain
skin suppleness and beauty. These fatty acids are essential for the formation and renewal of certain
so-called short-lived regulatory substances (in particular prostaglandin E1) which continuously control
cell activity.

Virgin borage oil limits water loss in the upper layers of the skin (anti-aging effect) and the development of eczema. It enhances the action of zinc in acne care, helps dry, rough damaged skin and promotes healing thanks to its important regenerative properties. Recommended for devitalized, tired or wrinkled skin.

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