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New from Emma Noël: Yellow nutsedge oil

Groupe Emile is proud to present the latest addition to its Emma Noël organic cosmetics brand: organic yellow nutsedge vegetable oil.

An oil recognized for its post-depilatory virtues.

It will be ideal this spring for all consumers looking for softness and lightness for their legs.

To find out more, visit organic yellow nutsedge vegetable oil.

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Virgin apricot kernel oil is a fluid oil with a yellowish color.

Extracted from the kernels at the heart of apricot kernels, apricot kernel vegetable oil is rich in carotenoids and Omega 6, making it perfect for beauty treatments, especially for the face.

Organic apricot kernel oil is recommended for sensitive skin. Rich in unsaturated fatty acids, this oil has a high penetrating power.
It is emollient and nourishing.

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